I know everyone is dealing with uncertain times right now. We are all experiencing new challenges to our lives and our businesses. I want to let everyone know that MW Drafting & Design is here to do what we can to help, and we wanted to make you aware of our business practices in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are no strangers to remote work. Both Brad and I have been working from our respective home offices since starting our business. We have the necessary technology to keep supporting you and working for you from our homes. On a personal note, if anyone is dealing with challenges as they start remote work for the first time, please reach out, we are pros by now.

We are continuing to work on projects we are currently engaged in, and are available for you to assist with new projects. If you have started an engagement with us, and your expectations on a completion date, or your construction plans have changed, please let us know. We are a small business, and it is important for us to focus on our efforts strategically during this time. This helps us and all our customers move forward economically during these challenging times. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility with regards to project completion dates right now; as we balance working for our clients, taking care of our families and our physical and mental health.

Both Brad and I are practicing all recommended precautions from Health Canada. Since we work remotely, our contact with the outside world is very limited. We are being responsible citizens, practicing social distancing and proper hygiene procedures. We have made recent investments in technology which ensures working with us is a low risk activity. We are able to discuss project plans with clients through Zoom calls, so your future planning does not need to stop during this crisis. Site measurements are performed using our 3D scanning technology, which allows us to measure your home or space quickly and efficiently, with very limited impact. If we are working in your home, we sanitize ourselves and equipment prior to entering, and we can easily perform our site work with no one in the room. Our completed construction drawings are sent to you in PDF format for your convenient review at home.

In closing, this is a challenging time for everyone, and we are here to help. We are a small, family oriented business. The continued success of your business, construction projects and family health is important to us. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us. We would love to chat with you about your future project plans, dreams and ambitions.